Climb Out - by Jared

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

To proselytise or not to proselytise - is that the question?

How do you spell proselytising?

Answer: A_N_A_T_H_E_M_A

It is at this point I should give a ‘RANT’ warning!

I should also prologue (is that a verb?) by saying that whilst my faith journey continues to challenge me, I believe it is worth doing and worth sharing, but above all demonstrating – the demonstrating thing is often quite a raw affair and sometimes even an open wound, but we confess the bad we have done and the good we have left undone, holding tight to grace and the spirit knowing we would otherwise sink without trace. There is still so much angst out there about the Christian’s raison d’ĂȘtre – much of it tied up in our interpretation of scripture. Among those who I journey alongside there is a spectrum of ideas about what it means to be church / to be a Christian even; is the question (and the context) not just the same for us as it is and has been for every human that ever lived? – HOW SHALL I LIVE!

Wikipedia has its detractors and no doubt faults, but I was delighted to read its definition and derivation for the concept of anathema; ‘something lifted up as an offering to the Gods’...later evolving to mean ‘set apart / banished / exiled / denounced / accursed’ Oh and how we have offered up our faithful attempts to persuade and argue people in to the Kingdom – attempts that I would love to see banished and denounced in order that we might be ‘free to live and breathe and have our being’ and that those around us might be free to respond to a God who is far able to represent himself in whatever way he sees fit. It is only in our blinkered estimation, that he has been somehow held captive by our meta-narrative, when in fact he has always operated far beyond our grasp – and although I say it myself...AMEN to that!