Using the Enneagram personality model I (and this will come as no surprise to some) was initially thought to be a Type 1 - I can't imagine why!
With each type come a set of behaviours that are 'grown' attributes and 'regressive' attributes - For a Type 1 the most 'grown' or 'mature' level if you like, is Level 1 - Ones at their best become extraordinarily wise and discerning. By accepting what is, they become transcendentally realistic, knowing the best action to take in each moment. Humane, inspiring, and hopeful: the truth will be heard.
Level 7 (however): Can be highly dogmatic, self-righteous, intolerant, and inflexible. Begin dealing in absolutes: they alone know "The Truth." Everyone else is wrong: very severe in judgements, while rationalising own actions.
Alarmingly there is a Level can only imagine!!
The point is, that for anybody who finds themselves viewing how they think the world is, and espousing this sure and certain point of view to the exclusion of all or any other possibilities, stepping outside of the cosy 'I'm right' place and in to the less certain place of 'wow, do you know, I'm not so sure' can be a defining and utterly freeing moment that leaves them unshackled and unabashed in their ability to experience awe once again
This one is for all those 'certainites' out there - it's a big red warning flag waved in a really humble way - Kathryn Schulz is just on the money
Enjoy the liberating possibility that you might only be seeing part of the picture
Common Issues For Commercial Laundry Machines
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